Research Workshop on Bacillus in Clinical and Agricultural Environments

Authors: Umeå University, Sweden

GMPC TOP 2024. vol. 4, Iss. 1 pp:1-32


This event was inspired by the 2023 European Spores Conference and BACT Conference. These events bring many research groups together on spores and the common causative species, primarily Bacillus. However, to bring the latest knowledge to solve “real-world” problems brought by spores and Bacillus species, we wanted a dedicated event that facilitates knowledge transfer. Thus, the idea for this workshop was born. The focus of this event is to exchange knowledge between academia and other sectors, like agriculture or biosafety, where Bacillus species are a problem with substantial costs. We have speakers covering topics from Bacillus genomics to spore structure and opportunities in industry to decontamination. We hope this event will help communication and collaboration between universities and industries. We are thankful for those who have made the trip here and hope you enjoyed the meeting and the wintry aesthetic of the city as a whole.

About Umeå University

Formally established in 1965, Umeå University is a comprehensive university covering research and education in medicine, science and technology, social sciences, arts and humanities, and educational sciences. Our cohesive campus environment enables a dynamic and open culture with a strong sense of community. Here, we have over 35000 students and over 2000 researchers that help to promote factfulness and contribute to scientific progress. In 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9. A discovery she made during her time as a researcher at Umeå University. The prize was awarded jointly to Emmanuelle Charpentier and the American researcher Jennifer A. Doudna. Emmanuelle is an honorary doctor at Umeå University, a former visiting researcher at the Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, and a former research leader at the Laboratory of Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS.


Zoonotic Diseases, Bacillus, Spores, Umeå University, Sweden


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